Together, We Can Create a Healthier Environment, More Sustainable Future for Generations to Come

The Planetary Health Innovation Hub offers an opportunity to learn and share about planetary health and the planetary health emergency in Somalia.

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About Us

Welcome to the planetary health innovation hub in Somalia.

Let's learn and share about planetary health

The Planetary Health Innovation Hub offers an opportunity to learn and share about planetary health and the planetary health emergency in Somalia. We aim to stimulate Somali community building, provide education for transformative action and push for strategic policy-making in the face of the greatest planetary health emergency and climate change of our time.

Eco Services

Promote Your Environment

Hosting Workshops

Hosting workshops, lectures and seminars with regional and international experts to build up knowledge on planetary health;

Creating Platforms

Creating a platform for planetary health Innovation advocates from the all states in Somalia and Somaliland.

Awareness Raising

Improve education, awareness-raising and human capacity on climate change mitigation, adaptation, impact reduction and early warning.

Recourse Development

Developing educational curricula and learning resources for transformative action.

Youth Leadership

And finally, supporting youth engagement and leadership with regard to planetary health.

Research Sctivities

Collaborating in research activities with other interested partners


Cooperation with Indigenous communities.

Hub Actitives

Presenting the hub’s activities and projects on regional and international conferences (e.g. COP29, Planetary Health Annual Meeting, in person conference)

Generating Solutions

Innovation Challenges: Participate in innovation challenges aimed at generating novel solutions to pressing planetary health issues.

The Planetary Health Innovation Hub in Somalia,

accordingly, aims to promote planetary health among students, trainees and professionals in the healthcare sector, along with all other interested parties.

Our Work

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The climate and the biodiversity crisis are the current greatest threat to global health. The major climate hazards in Somalia are droughts and extreme flooding events. In addition, there are other climate-related phenomena such as dust storms, heat waves and cyclonic winds whose occurrences, though less frequent, still pose serious threat to local livelihoods.

As humans, we are inseparably linked to the planet’s natural systems. The perturbation of these natural systems in the form of

destruction of natural habitats – along with the increasing proximity of animals to humans due to

loss of forest land – have made an estimated 800,000 still-unknown viruses an active risk to us. Although the majority of the population of Somalia is vulnerable to climate change, but women and children as particularly vulnerable. Climate change has upended lives and livelihoods across the region in the last two years.

The United Nations has said 4.3 million people, a quarter of Somalia’s population, are at risk of “crisis-level hunger or worse” this year due to drought and floods. As a Somali’s response to environmental, Climate change and health-related problems tends to be characterised by a slow pace and unclear policies – although this is, of course, not uniquely an Somali problem.

Our goal is to achieve the highest attainable standard of health, wellbeing, and equity worldwide through judicious attention to the human systems—political, economic, and social—that shape the future of humanity and the Earth’s natural systems that define the safe environmental limits within which humanity can flourish.”

Planetary health focuses, therefore, on the health of the human civilisation and the state of the natural systems upon which it depends. It offers a holistic approach to both people’s and their environment’s health, all while acting within the planet’s boundaries.

Health professionals (along with their colleagues in a range of other disciplines) play a vital role in the prevention and communication of the effects of the planetary health emergency – it is therefore critical to ensure that climate change and planetary health are included in the education and training of all health professionals.


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